CORAVault® - The Mobile PHR Solution for secure, on-demand access to personal medical records.

The fact is: when someone most needs medical attention, they’re often unable to assist or communicate with the very people trying to save them. But what if that someone could carry all of their personal medical records in their pocket – safely and securely? That could be a life-saver.
That’s where the innovative CORAnet® Mobile PHIE Solution can help. CORAnet® provides the potentially life-saving ability to allow first responders and medical personnel to access personal medical information on-demand, when and where they need it most.

Innovative technology that saves lives

CORAnet® leverages the latest, secure Cloud computing, cellular and GPS innovations to enable the ability to carry and access medical records on mobile devices – safely and securely. CORAVault® is an easy-to-use mobile application designed to run on a myriad of mobile devices. Medical records are encrypted and stored on the phone’s internal memory, providing efficient and timely availability of medical files while CORALink® provides critical life-saving information during health emergencies when the patient is unconscious and/or possibly unidentified.
What makes CORAnet® even more unique is that it utilizes innovative technology that allows it to access different EHR systems (that use different communications protocols), consolidate medical records information and provide a concise, single “view” of those records to the different stakeholders.

Make a difference for your patients, employees or members

Unlock the full potential of healthcare for your constituents with the Mobile Personal Health Information Exchange (PHIE) by partnering with CORAnet Solutions. Enhance your offerings by providing the Mobile PHIE as an exclusive fringe benefit to those you serve. This innovative solution empowers individuals to take control of their health, granting them seamless access to their health information on their smartphones. By offering the Mobile PHIE as a fringe benefit, you can demonstrate your commitment to their well-being, enabling them to coordinate their care, improve health outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. Join us in revolutionizing healthcare access and delivering unparalleled value to your constituents through the Mobile PHIE.