CORAnet® Solutions brings opportunity for the right partners

Resellers and Distributors

CORAnet® Solutions offers partnership opportunities to qualified resellers and distributors looking to expand their portfolio of offerings with innovative solutions for the healthcare industry. Contact CORAnet® Solutions today to talk to one of our Solution Partner Program representatives.

Healthcare Provider Affiliates, ACOs & Payers

If you’re a doctor, private practitioner, employer, payer, healthcare institution, or healthcare information exchange, CORAnet® Solutions offers an important opportunity for you to expand the level of your patient advocacy while providing a highly-valued solution that your patients and members will appreciate and value.

CORAnet Inside™

CORAnet® is available as a turnkey re-branded solution for all platform solutions. Provider networks may deploy CORAnet® as a rebranded ‘White Label’ offering for their customers, featuring the CORAnet Inside™ logo. Talk to a CORAnet® sales representative about the CORAnet Inside™ White Label opportunity and improve care delivery and cost with an expanded range of your patient-facing mobile solutions to empower your caregivers and patients alike with “your branded” powerful and effective patient- facing PHIE.